Gravity Wave 003/004 release

米国の作曲家マイケル・ピサロの個人レーベル〈Gravity Wave〉から本日、次の新譜2作がリリースされました。 □ Michael Pisaro - close constellations and a drum on the ground (gw 003)「close constellations and a drum on the ground」は、マイケル・…

AMPLIFY 2011: stones (9/1-16)プログラム決定

Erstwhile Records主催の〈AMPLIFY 2011: stones〉が、9月1日から16日までの期間、ニューヨークの「The Stone」で開催されます。出演者並びにプログラムは、下記の通りです。米国内で開催するアーストワイル関連のフェスとしては、最大の規模になりそうです…

When sounds revert to sounds - detachment of sounds from memories

Recently, environmental sounds have started to sound like music to me and I have been trying to figure out why. When we hear the sound of an airplane, the sound automatically tends to evoke a visual image of an airplane (flying through the…



My favorite releases/concerts in 2010

For my 2010 CD top ten list, I was considering ranking Jürg Frey's 'Weites Land, Tiefe Zeit' and Antoine Beuger's 'Keine Fernen Mehr' near the top, but in the end, I decided that my greatest discovery this year was Michael Pisaro's capabil…

Michael Pisaro - Fields Have Ears (at37)

I have been particularly fascinated with piano sounds since I was a young child. However, at the same time, I have always felt some sort of tightness in most of the piano performances I have heard in the past. I did not know why I felt tha…

Michael Pisaro / Taku Sugimoto - 2 seconds / b minor / wave (erst 061)

'2 seconds / b minor / wave' is a collaboration CD by the two composers/guitarists Michael Pisaro and Taku Sugimoto who had never worked together before, composed and recorded separately in the summer and autumn of 2010. The CD consists of…

Manfred Werder / ein(e) ausführende(r) seiten 218 - 226 (EWR 0601)

'ein(e) ausführende(r) seiten 218 - 226' is Manfred Werder's composition from 2002, realized by Antoine Beuger's electronic sound and released by Edition Wandelweiser in 2006. The 72-minute piece consists of a very quiet single electronic …

The music that is performed, and the music our brains are experiencing

Since I started listening to the music of Wandelweiser composers intensively in the last year, I realized that I have been experiencing some interesting changes in my way of listening to music. Since I started to listen to music actively r…

Antoine Beuger / Keine Fernen Mehr (EWR 1006/07)

Edition Wandelweiser から最近出たアントワン・ボイガーの2枚組CD「Keine Fernen Mehr」、シンプルな口笛のみの演奏なのに、耳を釘付けにする何とも言えないパワーがあって、素晴らしいです。(ライナーによると、音量をなるべく低めにして聴くのがお勧め…

Jürg Frey / Weites Land, Tiefe Zeit: Räume 1-8 (B-Boim Records) (CDR)

Jürg Frey's 320 minute long epic piece 'Weites Land, Tiefe Zeit' (2001-2002) was just released as a series of 8 CDRs from Radu Malfatti's label B-Boim Records. This is electronic music that was composed of extended looped sound materials i…

Wandelweiser and Improvisation

Over the past few years, as I have become increasingly interested in Wandelweiser music, I have gotten into many discussions about it with various people involved in the scene. Many times, other people have the opinion that Wandelweiser mu…



Philadelphia Museum of Art (11/19/2010)


Hans Haacke "Broken R.M..." (1986) - Enamel plaque, glided shovel Michelangelo Pistoletto "Tavolo Mediterraneo Love Difference (Mediterranean Table Love Difference)" (2005) Marcel Duchamp "The Large Glass" Marcel Duchamp "Glider Containing…

Erstwhile から新譜2枚リリース!

このたびErstwhile Recordsから、下記の新譜2枚がリリースされました。各リンク先の〈track〉をクリックすると、一部試聴できます。 □ Michael Pisaro / Taku Sugimoto 「2 seconds / b minor / wave」(erst 061)…

Radu Malfatti / Keith Rowe Recording sessions at Amann Studios in Vienna (11/8-10)




Michael Pisaro / Greg Stuart - ricefall (2) (Gravity Wave 001)

Michael Pisaro's music has changed my way of listening to sounds completely. And especially after listening to "ricefall (2)", my ears were opened more widely for the subtle sounds in the environment that I used to miss before - like the a…

Michael Pisaro の新レーベル〈Gravity Wave〉より新譜2枚発売!

米国の作曲家マイケル・ピサロが立ち上げた個人レーベル〈Gravity Wave〉から、レーベル第1弾として、「ricefall (2)」と「July Mountain: three versions」がリリースされました(10/14更新)。〈Gravity Wave〉では、米国カリフォルニア在住の現代音楽作…

An Evening of Pisaro presented by Barry Chabala (10/6/10)

At Issue Project Room in Brooklyn, NJ-based guitarist Barry Chabala presented 'An Evening of Pisaro', performing three of Michael Pisaro's compositions: 'appearance (2)', 'E lá fora' and 'Ascending Series (6)', with Travis Just (clarinet/m…

The Noguchi Museum(イサム・ノグチ美術館 in NYC)


The tranquility of Noguchi's sculpture accentuates the subtle nuance of the light, the shadow of the background wall, the smell of the wind and the rustle of the trees, making them more clear and more delicate. イサム・ノグチの彫刻の存在の…

Lash/Owen/Chabala performed Antoine Beuger's music @ St. Mark's Church, NYC (8/12/10)  

At St. Mark's Church in the East Village of NYC, UK bassist Dominic Lash and a New York-based duo of Ben Owen and Barry Chabala performed two pieces by Wandelweiser composer Antoine Beuger in a concert organized by the Incubator Arts Proje…

Michael Pisaro / Dog Star Orchestra

マイケル・ピサロ率いるLAの現代音楽系の気鋭ミュージシャンらで構成された「Dog Star Orchestra」の2009年のライブ録音の一部を、この「Human Ear」のサイトでMP3で聴けるようです。CDとしては未発表のマイケル・ピサロの作品の他、モートン・フェルドマン…

Barry Chabala Solo Guitar Concert @ St. Mark's Church (6/30/10)

Barry Chabala performed a solo guitar concert at the Incubator Arts Project (St. Mark's Church) in East Village, New York. Chabala played two electric guitars - one with normal tuning for Part 1 and 4, the other with special tuning based o…

Michael Pisaro / mind is moving I (EWR 0106)

- Somewhere far distant from this loud world, where trees breathe silently.In our daily life filled with many excessive noises, it is often difficult to find pure states of silence and calmness. Various mixed sounds and images appear one a…

Michael Pisaro / mind is moving I (EWR 0106) 和文

木々が静かに呼吸する 遠く喧噪を離れた場所 □ Michael Pisaro / mind is moving I (EWR 0106)過剰なノイズに満ちたこの世界で、静けさと穏やかさを見つけることはとても難しい。小さな囲いの中に種々雑多な音とイメージが次々と現れ、時間と競争するかのよ…



'July Mountain' in Tokyo

During my 2-week stay in Tokyo this May, I visited the Sound Cafe Dzumi in Kichijoji to see the owner and some of my music writer friends. The owner of the cafe was a former recording engineer and art film producer, and he has installed a …

music with fluctuations

About ten years ago, I talked about 'music with fluctuations' at one of the lecture series held every Saturday at a jazz cafe in Tokyo, where music writers and critics gave small lectures each week while playing some music (mostly jazz) un…

Long time ago, when I was deeply immersed in writing about music, I had one day noticed that some faint music was echoing in my head without stop. Although I could not capture any clear image of the scale or the melody of the music, someho…