Entries from 2013-01-01 to 1 year
Top 20 Releases of 20131. Michael Pisaro / Greg Stuart - Closed Categories in Cartesian Worlds (Gravity Wave) 2. Dennis Johnson - November (by R. Andrew Lee) (Irritable Hedgehog/Penultimate Press) 3. Eva-Maria Houben - Piano Music (by R. A…
Michael Pisaro / Greg Stuart - Closed Categories in Cartesian Worlds (GW 010) was just released today. The details are here:http://michaelpisaro.blogspot.com/
グレアム・ラムキンとジェイソン・レスカリートは、エッジのある大胆な音作りとアナログサウンドの温かみを絶妙のバランスで融合させたコラボ作品を、2006年頃から作り続けている。2枚組の本作は、過去にアーストワイルから出た2008年の「The Breadwinner」…
Michael Pisaro / Greg Stuart - Closed Categories in Cartesian Worlds (GW 010)To be released in early November. http://michaelpisaro.blogspot.com/
This is my dad's design tutorial book which was issued in Japan in 1966, titled 'Commercial Design: How to Create Store Design and Layout'. I found this last issue at an online used book store and got it, since the one my dad used to have …
Homemade gluten-free orange almond cake, topped with unsweetened whipped cream. This is a perfect summer dessert to have with afternoon tea (my favorite is Earl Grey tea).The amount of sugar for the cake sponge is less than half of the mos…
Antoine Beuger / Michael Pisaro - this place / is love (erst 068) was officially released today. Very happy with the final product, especially how the disc image turned out. One of my favorite CD covers and disc labels I have ever designed…
MENU FOR AFTERNOON TEA (6/15/2013)〜アフタヌーンティー at 自宅テラスMini Cheese Corn MuffinsTomato & Cucumber Sandwich on Whole Wheat BreadChocolate CakeMini Chocolate Mousse CupStrawberriesEarl Grey Tea(all homemade except strawberries, s…
MENU FOR AFTERNOON TEA (Thursday June 6, 2013) 〜アフタヌーンティー at Home メニューButtermilk Scones Served with: clotted cream, strawberry jam, homemade lemon curd, whipped creamFinger Sandwiches on Homemade Whole Wheat Bread (Curried Ch…
Above photo is Michel François' copper tubing work and Richard Aldrich's painting at Bortolami gallery booth, from Independent Art Fair 2013. Michel François was the most fascinating artist whom I found at the art show this year. You can s…
Dissolve the borders between the outer world and the inner world with the equality of sound, silence, performer, environment and listener In order to understand and appreciate Antoine Beuger’s compositions, I strongly recommend you to expe…
来月、米国を拠点に、実験音楽を扱うウエブマガジン「surround」が創刊されます。その初刊号に寄稿する長文の音楽評論を、数日前にようやく書き終えました。題名は「Silence, Environment, Performer」というもので、ヴァンデルヴァイザー派を代表する5人の…
Michael Pisaro’s new piece The Middle of Life (Die ganze Zeit), just released from the Gravity Wave label in January 2013, is his 2011/2012 composition inspired by Austrian contemporary poet Oswald Egger’s 2010 book Die ganze Zeit. The 47’…
The vivid contrast between sound and silence brings out the purest form of sound, affecting the gravity in music In Radu Malfatti’s compositions, the contrast between sound and silence is sharp. In many of his works, continuous monotonic s…
Composer of micro symphony born in the gray area between sound and silence, impressionism and minimalism Jürg Frey’s compositional approach keeps him at the keen edge of contemporary music while simultaneously maintaining a faint touch of …
2010年にエディション・ヴァンデルヴァイザーからリリースされた「keine fernen mehr」は、アントワン・ボイガー自身が吹く口笛の音で演奏された曲を収録した2枚組のアルバムだ。全体的に非常に静かなかすれた質感の口笛の音の前後に、ボイガーが息を吸い込…
ヴァンデルヴァイザー派の作曲家アントワン・ボイガーによるこの作品(1997年)は、演奏者がスピノザの「エチカ」の文章を8秒間に1語ずつ、 静かなトーンとゆっくりしたテンポで読み上げるというものだ。個々の単語は、表情や抑揚や意味を一切付加しないよ…
Keith Rowe and Wandelweiser composer Michael Pisaro seemed to have quite different interests and orientations judging from their previous bodies of work, but the result of the first meeting of this duo at AMPLIFY 2013 was surprisingly bala…
GW 008: Michael Pisaro/Oswald Egger/Julia Holter - The Middle of Life (Die ganze Zeit) GW 009: Michael Pisaro - The Punishment of the Tribe by its Elders ... Both are available at ErstDist: http://www.erstwhilerecords.com/distro.html You c…
Hearing the music in the moment of experiencing the natural and immediate relation to the world Manfred Werder shows that music exists all around us in our natural environment, and leads the listener to experience this via performers’ real…
ユルク・フレイによる2つの作曲作品を収録したCD「Piano Music」が、米国のピアニスト、アンドリュー・リーによる演奏で、「Irritable Hedgehog」から昨年末にリリースされた。「Irritable Hedgehog」は現代音楽の新しいレーベルのようで、ピアニスト名もレ…