Homemade Indian Dinner & Lunch
Shrimp Makhani Curry with Naan and Saffron Rice
My Shrimp Makhani recipe is here (in Japanese):
本格バターチキン風★エビカレー by yukoz1
My Saffron rice recipe is here (in Japanese):
簡単♪美味しいサフランライス by yukoz1
My Naan recipe is here (in Japanese):
手作りナンの作り方①〜魚焼きグリル編 by yukoz1
My Tandoori Chicken recipe is here (in Japanese):
インド風★ジューシーなタンドリーチキン by yukoz1
Tandoori Chicken Sandwich on Naan
My Tandoori Chicken Sandwich recipe is here (in Japanese):
タンドリーチキン★サンドイッチ〜インド風 by yukoz1