Michael Pisaro / Taku Sugimoto - 2 seconds / b minor / wave (erst 061)


'2 seconds / b minor / wave' is a collaboration CD by the two composers/guitarists Michael Pisaro and Taku Sugimoto who had never worked together before, composed and recorded separately in the summer and autumn of 2010. The CD consists of three 20-minute tracks: '2 seconds', 'b minor' and 'wave', each based on one of the three keywords 'pulse', 'pitch' and 'wave' that Pisaro and Sugimoto had decided beforehand. After they finished recording each part, both parts were superimposed on each other and mastered by Pisaro.

'2 seconds' consists of their two pieces composed with pulses, pauses, frequencies and timings of various sound materials in intervals of 2 seconds or multiples of 2 seconds as the basis. Sugimoto makes simple sounds with some common household items (like striking clappers, hand clap, metronome, alarm sounds, pencil sharpener or coffee bean grinder, from my guess) to create rather acoustic, detached tones with a constant regular rhythm. Pisaro plays a wide range of tones and frequencies of electric guitar and electronic devices, in various lengths of sounds and silences that seem to be based on multiples of 2 seconds, with more flexible, fluent rhythms than Sugimoto. There is a strong contrast between Sugimoto's coolness using the solid sounds in linear rhythm and Pisaro' warmth using rather soft and round textures of sounds in a more elastic rhythm. While their sounds cross each other without melding and continually sustain a spatial boundary in between, there is almost a miraculous balance between the two sharply distinctive flows of sounds, which brings a mystic nuance and sense of harmony to the whole piece.

'b minor' originates from the pitch both musicians chose together as a theme. Here, Pisaro composed and played a melody, and Sugimoto composed and played chord progressions, both based on b minor. While Pisaro plays a soft, pure electric guitar sound note by note in a long interval in slow motion, as if trying to stretch time and space, Sugimoto plays his chords on acoustic guitar quietly with a feel of retreating into a small private space. Pisaro's sounds evoke in me the distant light from stars reaching within a clear dark sky, while Sugimoto's sounds evoke in me some fragments of a philosopher's quiet inner self-talk. The contrast between their textures of sounds gives different dimensions to this piece at the same time – with Pisaro's sounds turning outward and broadening the world while Sugimoto's sounds turning inward to the small universe of his inner self. This contrast brings a unique sense of space and depth in this piece.

Sugimoto's guitar sounds are notable here – his simple and straightforward guitar chord progressions based on b minor is touching. However, it is not his emotional attachment or sentiment that will move listeners. The reason why Sugimoto's guitar sounds here will touch listeners' hearts is because he lets the sounds and chords appear in the purest forms – sounds as sound, chords as chords – not as his personal statement or expression of ego. In this track, Sugimoto seems to play each chord with an innocent mindset like a boy who is fascinated with the guitar and playing the instrument for the first time, carefully listening to each chord to enjoy and cherish the pure sound in every detail – a mindset which most grown-ups seem to have forgotten. Instead of depending on frills such as technique, personal statement or showmanship, he presents a complex and rich world of guitar sounds that is born from a chord and its progression, eliminating any elements that may cloud the purity of the sounds. Careful listeners will notice the pureness and the depth of the sounds here, with glimpses when his chord and a silence overlap. Sugimoto adheres to his humble approach throughout this piece, staying behind the chords, as a transparent medium to let the chords be born as they are. It is this humility that touches a listener's heart with a fresh surprise, together with the pureness of the sounds and chords which are made the focus by his modest approach.

In 'wave', each musician chose free sound materials from anything associated with the word wave, such as ocean waves, sine waves and sound waves, and again composed their parts entirely separately. The result of this juxtaposition is quite different from the previous two. While Sugimoto plays quiet, continuous drone sounds that evoke the sounds of an organ, Pisaro repeatedly inserts his field recordings of ocean waves. The contrast between Sugimoto's stillness and Pisaro's motion works beautifully. The sound of ocean waves seems to me to be a symbolic representation of the distance between the two musicians – Pisaro and Sugimoto, who had been working on this collaboration from across the Pacific, relying on the spiritual bond with each other. Pisaro's field recordings of ocean waves also let me visualize the images of the winds blowing over the sea between the two continents. The waves wash over repeatedly as if he were trying to communicate with his distant collaborator Sugimoto who is on the other side of the Pacific, trying to build a bridge between two artists who are standing in different positions not only physically, but also musically. The two distinctive worlds of Pisaro and Sugimoto, that have been interacting without fusing throughout the first two pieces, have finally integrated into one world in this track. At the moment when the two worlds fuse completely, the music ends with a crisp cut.

Despite having never worked together in the past, and even though each part was composed and recorded separately, in the end their parts synched with each other perfectly in incredible harmony from start to finish. Their deep understanding, respect and faith in each other's artistic strength and musicality brought this duo collaboration to a miraculous balance beyond their physical distance, and that must be the main reason for the success of this duo. Pisaro's mixing and mastering work, which bonded two musicians' sounds close to create an intimacy, is also remarkable. This is a completely new world of music - different from either Pisaro's past works or Sugimoto's - that could only have been born from the encounter of these two fantastic, unique individuals.

Having rather different musicality and directions, both Pisaro and Sugimoto seem to stick to one common attitude in this collaboration – pursuing the absolute purity of sounds and chords as often seen in many Wandelweiser pieces. In order to let a sound and a chord be as genuine as possible, both of the musicians have tried to restrain their personal egos as composers and performers as much as possible. This is a beautiful album in which you can observe the pure souls of two composers/musicians, devotedly concentrating their minds with humble attitudes for the sake of the birth of music.

■ Michael Pisaro / Taku Sugimoto - 2 seconds / b minor / wave (erst 061)

2010年夏から秋にかけて制作された、共に作曲家・ギタリストのマイケル・ピサロと杉本拓の初コラボレーション作品。3つのトラックから成るこのCDは、事前にピサロと杉本が打ち合わせて決めた3つのテーマ、「パルス(2 seconds)」、「音程(b minor)」、「波( wave)」をキーワードに、2人が別々に作曲した20分間ずつの3つのトラックを最終的に重ね合わせた作品だ。


音程(pitch)をテーマにした2曲目は、2人が事前に選んだ「b minor」を基本として、ピサロが旋律を作曲演奏し、杉本が和音(ハーモニー)を作曲演奏している。時間と空間を引き延ばすような、ゆったりした大きなスパンでギターの音を投じていくピサロと、一カ所に留まり、自分を取り囲む小さな空間の奥行きを隅々まで見せるようにギターを弾く杉本とのコントラストが、この曲に独特のスペース感を生んでいる。澄んだ夜空で瞬く星の光を思わせるピサロの単音と、哲学者の心のつぶやきの断片を思わせる杉本のギター音は、「外界へ向かおうとする力」と「内面へ向かおうとする力」という相反する方向性を保ちつつ、この曲にユニークな広がりと深みを与えている



